Recommended Books
Pleiadian Lightwork & Pleiadian Perspectives - by Amorah Quan Yin
Earth the Living Library & Family of Light - Barbara Marciniak
Pleiadian Agenda & Catastrophobia - by Barbara Hand Clow
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of LIfe - by Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Cosmic Serpent - by Jeremy Narby
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 & Galactic Alignment - by John Major Jenkins
Mayan Factor & Earth Ascending - by Jose Arguelles
Jaguar Wisdom - Kenneth Johnson
The Everything Guide to 2012 - by Mark Heley
The Stones of Time - Martin Brennan
Matrix of Creation & Sacred Number - by Richard Heath
The Science Delusion - by Rupert Sheldrake
Food of the Gods & Invisible Landscape - by Terence McKenna