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Geometric year

Updated last on - magnetic moon : 6 ik : day 279 of organic spring equinox year - © 2012 Raah Sirus

This graphics shows the geometric side of time, that is usually refered to when speaking about the 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each being made up of a total of 91 days: 4 x 91 = 364 (+1) = 365

As a pattern this geometry of time allows for interlocking sequences with the 7-day-week, and 13-month-year. This can be understood though the outer ring of 52 segments.

There are 52 weeks per geometric year (+1 day to complete the year) = 365 days

There are 13 weeks per geometric season = 91 days

There are 4 weeks per geometric month = 28 days


At the center of the graphic is the Pyramid of Kukulcán at Chichen_Itza

This pyramid of the Maya has 91 steps on each side, plus an extra step at the top to enter the chamber at the pyramids peak (91x4) +1 = 365 steps/whole days per year


The inner section of the graphic shows the year divided into 8 parts to reflect it as the geometric version of the solstices and equinoxes, plus 4 fire festivals. This is made up of:

8 x 45 days = 360 (+ 5) = 365 days

Four of the extra days are postioned at the midpoint of the season (46th day of 91), see little stars around edge of inner section :-)

The 5th one is at the winter solstice in order to align the geometric year with the organic year matrix, this is done by finding the axis of symmetry from the shape of the year, so you can see they both interlock with each other from this anchor point.

I have included an extra star in the postion of the autumn equinox, to identify the time when personally I feel leap days should currently be added, though this really could be done in either geometric or organic matrix, (currently there is a +/- 2 days difference). However since they are both aligned at the winter solstice anchor point, and would be using the same leap-day rule, their long term trends would remain balanced.

see these pages from more info:-

