19 Year Flower of Life in Time
Updated last on - resonant seed : 11 cib : day 297 of geometric spring equinox year - © 2012 Raah Sirus Step 1 - Lunar time measurement (the synodic month) Although there are many types of Lunar months, the main form of Lunar time measurement throughout the world keeps track of the synodic cycle of the Moon, or 1 synodic month. A synodic month measures the time between 2 consecutive New Moons (when the moon passes between the Earth and Sun), which is on average 29.53 days long. Due to the average length of 1 geometric Earth year being 365.2424 days, a Lunar year can encompass either 12 or 13 synodic months, this is done in order to align the Lunar years closely with both the geometric Earth year of 365.2424 and organic Earth year of 365.2... (varies over time) days respectively. Both of which are measured with the {time matrix} Earth year of 365 whole days, plus appropriate leap-day sequence. 12 synodic months or 354 whole days { is 11 whole days shorter than 365 } 12 x 29.53 = 354.36 days (354.36 + 10.88 = 365.24) 13 synodic months or 384 whole days { is 19 whole days longer than 365 } 13 x 29.53 = 383.89 days (383.89 - 18.65 = 365.24) These 2 year lengths of 354 & 384 days are the standard of all Lunar calendars, made up of alternating months of 29 and 30 days. This is due to the necessity to count in whole days, and therefore the average synodic month of 29.53 days is rounded to 29 and 30. Note: traditionally the synodic lunar month is counted from the first visible cresent moon. This synodic matrix can be used to track the 29 and 30 day cycles { click here for full 19 year matrix table of all times and dates of new moons forever ! }
12 month Lunar year (v1) 13 month Lunar year (v1) alternating months starting with 30 and then 29...
12 month Lunar year (v2) 13 month Lunar year (v2) alternating months starting with 29 and then 30...
Step 2 - Fitting it all together as the larger fractal pattern In the same way as the synodic months, the Lunar years of 354 & 384 whole days alternate over a larger period of time, they do this in a ratio of 7:12. That is, 7 years of 13 synodic months, and 12 years of 12 synodic months, making a total of 19 Lunar years (7 + 12 = 19). Due to the Lunar years of 13 synodic months being an 'odd' number, the total number of days can equal 383 or 384. This can be seen above in the 2 Lunar mandalas on the right - v1 containing (7x30 + 6x29 = 384 days) and v2 containing (6x30 + 7x29 = 383 days) respectively. Arrangement of lunar months over 3 years (triple spiral) (1 x 13) + (2 x 12) = [13:12:12] [13:12:12] + [13:12:12] + [13:12:12] + [13:12:12] + [13:12:12] + [13:12:12] + [13] pattern consists of 6 sets of [13:12:12] + 1 singular [13] Within the 19 year Lunar cycle, one of the 13 month Lunar years will always be 383 days in order to align the Lunar pattern with the {time matrix} Earth year of 365 whole days. The average number of leap-days being 4.6 in 19 years, yet in reality can only be either 4 or 5 whole days per 19 year cycle, in terms of their actual occurance. (12 x 354) + (6 x 384) + (1 x 383) = 6935 days (19 x 365) = 6935 days 6935 + 4.6 (leap-days) = 6939.6 days 19 x 365.2424 = 6939.6 days Therefore the 19 year Lunar cycle aligns exactly with 19 organic Earth years and 19 geometric years (when leap-days are added), and this fact has been known by many ancient cultures for millennia [example: the Metonic cycle and Mayans ] and is 6939.6 days in duration. Every 19 years after, 235 x synodic months (29.53) and 247 x geometric months (28) + 19 days, the Sun & the Moon re-synchronizes with the time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun. (12 x 12) + (7 x 13) = 235 synodic months (19 x 13) = 247 geometric months + 19 days 19 x 365.2424 = 6939.6 days 235 x 29.53 = 6939.6 days
Step 3 - 19 year Flower of Life of the Sun / Earth / Moon system The 19 year Flower of Life matrix is the 3rd stage (flower of life) of growth / genesis, 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 19 years, from the original 6 + 1 = 7 days of the week, which is the 1st stage (seed of life). The 2nd stage (tree of life) is 6 + 6 + 1 = 13 geometric months in 1 year. 6 + 1 = 7 day cycle (1 week) 6 + 6 + 1 = 13 month cycle (1 year) 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 19 year cycle (1 flower of life in time)
19 year Flower matrix 19 year Earth time matrix
235 x 29.53 (1 synodic month) = 6939.6 days 247 x 28 (1 geometric month) [+ 19] = 6935 days 19 x 365.2424... (1 geometric Earth year) = 6939.6 days 19 x 365 (1 Earth time matrix) = 6935 days 6939.6 – 6935 = 4.6 days 0.242... x 19 = 4.6 days
Conclusion - mutually self affirming time matrices of 19 & 33 Therefore all 19 year cycles (measured in lunar years, and/or geometric and organic years via earth time matrix) when combined with a 33 year leap-day cycle maintain accurate lengths of the year over longer periods of time. Every 19 years there are 4.6 leap-days, as within a 33 year cycle there are 8 leap-days (8/33 = 0.242...) 0.24242... x 33 = 8 leap-days 0.24242... x 19 = 4.6 leap days