Updated last on - self-existing wizard : 8 cimi : day 307 of geometric spring equinox year - © 2012 Raah Sirus Part 1 - The shape of the year (Earth's elliptical orbit) One of the fundamental aspects of time relative to living on Earth is the 365 day cycle of the Earth's orbit around the Sun ( or 1 year ). However just like the Moon having many different cycles around the Earth, the Earth also has several cycles around the Sun. Infact the orbit of the Earth is not actually perfectly circular but instead over the course of 1 year carves an elliptical pathway through the heavens. Today through modern calculations we can determine the exact moment when Earth is closest to the Sun or farthest away ( see the graphic above ) and these 2 points are known as the: Perihelion = Earth's closest point to the Sun & Aphelion = Earth's farthest point from the Sun By pinpointing them, I found out through my investigations that these 2 points in time can be used as Cosmic time calibrators. This can be done by measuring their relationship to the nearest Solstice or Equinox. Currently for 2012ad according to data from StarCalc the time differences are: Winter Solstice (21-Dec-2011) to Perihelion (04-Jan-2012) = 13.8 days diff. & Summer Solstice (20-Jun-2012) to Aphelion (04-Jul-2012) = 13.8 days diff. However during the process of making these calculations, of the number of days difference between the Solstice and Perihelion, I also found that the total number of days fluctuated. Ranging from 11.5 days in 2005 upto 14.3 in 2020 for the Perihelion, and ranging from 12.2 days in 2006 upto 14.8 in 2018 for the Aphelion. So infact taking a 19 year period centred on 2012 the averages work out to be: Winter Solstice to Perihelion = 12.9 days (13 whole days) & Summer Solstice to Aphelion = 13.7 days (14 whole days) Graphic above = Shape of the year circa 2012ad The effect that the current alignment of Earth's elliptical orbit has, is that we have slightly longer summers in the northern hemisphere, and slightly shorter winters ( the reverse is true for the southern hemisphere ). The total number of whole days from the Spring to Autumn equinox is currently 186 days, whereas the number from the Autumn to Spring equinox is 179 days. Below is a graphic I created when investigating the 8-fold year of the Celtic/Druidic tribes. It serves to extrapolate the effects of ellipticity on the lengths of the seasons and this evidence also confirms that our ancestors knew about this aspect of Earth's orbit aswell. Graphic below = 8-fold year (2 Solstices, 2 Equinoxes & 4 Fire Festivals) - rounded to whole days (symmetrical matrix version) - circa 2012ad Step 2 - Fitting it all together as the larger fractal pattern To develop the picture further of how the Perihelion and Aphelion shift over time, it is necessary to mention first that it wasn't until I did extensive research into the comparisons between the beginning (3114bc) and completion (2012ad) of the current Long count of the ancient Mayans, that it became apparent that this knowledge was also known to the Mayans. What I found out from these investigations are several keys to understanding fractal time. I will be sharing these throughout this website as the implications are diverse and require a specific focus on each point. Below you can see the results of my investigations showing the differences of the lengths of the seasons, calculated from the coordinates of Izapa (chosen due to it being the birth place of Long count - as per John Major Jenkins research): (left) Length of seasons in 3114bc - (right) Length of season in 2012ad From these results it can been seen that generally speaking the length of the seasons have shifted, a 90 degrees turn 'clockwise' from 3114bc to 2012ad. The longer half being between the Winter and Summer solstice in 3114bc, and in 2012ad the longer half being between the Spring and Autumn equinox. This is further backed up by the Perihelion and Aphelion positions in 3114bc, in relation to them being marker points of Cosmic time calibration. According to data from StarCalc the time differences for 3114bc are: Autumn Equinox (21-Sep-3114) to Perihelion (07-Oct-3114) = 16.3 days diff. & Spring Equinox (21-Mar-3114) to Aphelion (06-Apr-3114) = 16.1 days diff. In the same way as described before ( for 2012ad ) these calculations fluctuate, ranging from 15.0 days in -3121 upto 16.9 in -3106 for the Perihelion, and ranging from 16.1 days in -3114 upto 17.7 days in -3112 for the Aphelion. And for the 19 year period centred on -3114 the averages work out to be: Autumn Equinox to Perihelion = 15.8 days (16 whole days) & Spring Equinox to Aphelion = 16.9 days (17 whole days) Graphic above = Shape of the year circa 3114bc Comparing the 'shape of the year' for 3114bc with the 'shape of the year' for 2012ad, it is now possible to create a formula to calculate the total overall shift in the position of the axis of the Perihelion/Aphelion over the cycle of the Mayan long count. Using the average length of year of 365.2424 days, the total length of a complete 90 degree shift can be calculated thus - as it will be 1/4 of 1 year. 365.2424 / 4 = 91.3106 days (90 degree shift) The time diff at the beginning of the Mayan long count being 17 days at Spring equinox - Aphelion in 3114bc, and 16 days at Autumn equinox - Perihelion in 3114bc. Whereas at the completion of the Mayan long count the time diff is 14 days at Summer solstice - Aphelion in 2012ad, and 13 days at Winter solstice - Perihelion in 2012 ad. So therefore the shift of the axis of the Perihelion/Aphelion has rotated 3 whole days less of 1/4 year ( 17 - 14 = 3 days, 16 - 13 = 3 days). Using this data we can find the total shift over 1 long count, and how many years for the axis of P/A to rotate 1 day: 91.3106 - 3 days = 88.3106 The number of years in 1 long count = 1872000 / 365.2424 = 5125.3633 years & 5215.3633 / 88.3106 = 58.038 years for 1 day shift of the axis of P/A Graphic above = shift of axis of P/A over 5125.363 years (1 long count) The '1 day shift' over time can generally be rounded to '58 whole years' for the purpose of Cosmic time measurement, and is being measured in relation to the Solstices and Equinoxes of our Earth year of 365.2424 days. All aspects of this calculation are based on the law of averages, and most aspects of the equation are variable over time, so the answer will be different for the next Mayan long count beginning 2012ad. This is partly due to the increasing size of the Earth over time (causing the length of year to decrease in our experience of it), and the shape of the year becoming more circular (and reducing the effects of the axis of the P/A on the length of seasons within the year). {see video links below}
Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sunhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-NH5yK3ZN54 Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJfBSc6e7QQ&feature=related
Conclusion - the genius of the Mayans (advanced time science) During this investigation the knowledge/wisdom of the ancient Mayans has be confirmed by modern calculations, and both have therefore been confirmed as mutually backing each other up. The genius of the ancient Mayans holds as true ! We live in exciting times indeed ! and the timing of this understanding being revealed is no coincidence. Their 5125 years time experiment has at its completion point the Winter solstice of 2012ad. { 334 days to 21-Dec-2012 as of today } - and with it comes the end of the 'linear time' - it is the purpose of my research to bring this end - as with the Infinity Codes there is only really 'fractal time'. *Last note: in addition this information allows to know exactly the changes of Earths position in relation to the Cosmos, and puts us in touch with the nature of the greater Galaxy & Universe we live in ;-) 1 complete cycle of rotation of the axis of P/A in relation to the Earth year ( 365.2424 days ) = 58 x 365.2424 = 21184 years (whole years) |