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Uploaded first on - solar serpent : 13 caban : day 338 of geometric spring equinox year - © 2012 Raah Sirus


DAY cycles

the lands of : Khememu (Egypt) ~ Picts (Scotland) ~ Mayans (Mexico)

   - 1 day (Obelisks, Standing Stones, zenith days, and the Solstice and Equinox cross)


   - 24 hour day (Runic sundial, 12 hours of day and night)


WEEK cycles


- 7 day week (genesis of time, seed of life)


   - 10 day week (Ankh, key of life, alchemy of 0 and 1, feminine and masculine)


YEAR cycles

   - Tree of Gnostic consciousness “as above, so below” (branches and roots)


   - Infinity in the Sky (the course of the midday sun)


MATRIX cycles

   - Star Tetrahedron - 19.5° (Planetary Merkabah) – solar zenith at Teotihuacan, Mexico


   - Icosahedron - 26.3° (Planetary Holon) – light harmonic at Akhmim, Egypt